Bouquet Breakdown (Digital Only)

Bouquet Breakdown (Digital Only)


Our bouquet breakdowns have been loved by our followers for years, and we are excited to now offer them for all Utah brides!

How it works: During the checkout process you will be prompted to choose your backdrop color and provide the information we need to reserve your wedding date for a bouquet breakdown! You will need to arrange for someone to deliver or ship your bouquet to us in Lehi, UT the day after your wedding, then we’ll take it from there!! Your flowers will be styled, photographed, and hand-lettered in a way that best captures their beauty.

If you select this product that you’re viewing right now, you will receive the digital file of your breakdown within two weeks of us receiving the bouquet. If you’re interested in a professional print of your breakdown as well, check out our print options here!

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If you’re already married and no longer have your bouquet but would like a bouquet breakdown, contact us for a custom quote!