Textural bridal bouquet breakdown

This bouquet was so fun to design, though honestly a little tricky! Since I was making it just for fun I wanted to try color-blocking with some new textures. I tucked bright colors in back, had some dark textural pieces in front, and a motif of pink/mauve/burgundy on the side.

textural bridal bouquet

I'm typically not one for bright contrast, so that yellow acacia next to the purple kale still throws me for a loop sometimes, but it was fun to try it out! The ingredients for this bouquet were nothing short of amazing. I mean, really? Brown lisianthus? To quote my own instagram caption (haha) "who knew brown flowers could be so pretty??"

I think my favorite part of this bouquet was designing the bouquet breakdown. There really were so many varieties of flowers crammed into this one bouquet, so here's a look at them individually:

Textural bridal bouquet breakdown by Blushing Rose Floral

Aren't those pieces great? Who knew that kale would be so commonly used in floral arrangements these days (anything to keep it out of the blender, am I right?)!

This bouquet also had the honor of being photographed by Isabelle Fyffe. Her images are much better than the phone shots I captured above, so keep scrolling for more texture and pretty.